Busch Family
My son Garrett is the only one in our Family with PMD.....I am a carrier. My 24 year old daughter is not a carrier, my 21 year old daughter has not been tested yet.
Garrett is 16 and was diagnosed back in 2011 I believe. We went to a new neurologist after being frustrated with our neuro. The new neuro ordered up a new MRI since Garrett hadn't had one since he was 4 months old when he was diagnosed with "an injury to his brain". We had extensive testing done during the 1st year of his life....all came back with nothing. We even sent his MRI to Dr. Hoda I believe from Wayne State University , and he didn't believe it was PMD, but our neuro at the time was suspicious. Over the years we did more metabolic testing and still no results.
But finally this new neuro had us do the specific testing for PMD and I guess the science was better this time around as well and we got the positive result. Garrett was always classified as CP with an unknown injury to his brain maybe while in utero?
Garrett loves loves loves his iPad I don't know what he would do without it...he loves to go out in his gait trainer and explore, and loves to propel himself in his wheelchair. He's very nosy so he's always curious about new surroundings and just loves to check it out!
My son Garrett is the only one in our Family with PMD.....I am a carrier. My 24 year old daughter is not a carrier, my 21 year old daughter has not been tested yet.
Garrett is 16 and was diagnosed back in 2011 I believe. We went to a new neurologist after being frustrated with our neuro. The new neuro ordered up a new MRI since Garrett hadn't had one since he was 4 months old when he was diagnosed with "an injury to his brain". We had extensive testing done during the 1st year of his life....all came back with nothing. We even sent his MRI to Dr. Hoda I believe from Wayne State University , and he didn't believe it was PMD, but our neuro at the time was suspicious. Over the years we did more metabolic testing and still no results.
But finally this new neuro had us do the specific testing for PMD and I guess the science was better this time around as well and we got the positive result. Garrett was always classified as CP with an unknown injury to his brain maybe while in utero?
Garrett loves loves loves his iPad I don't know what he would do without it...he loves to go out in his gait trainer and explore, and loves to propel himself in his wheelchair. He's very nosy so he's always curious about new surroundings and just loves to check it out!